Episode 82
Guest: Dora Palfi

Episode 82: Shaping the Future w/Dora Palfi

Nov 16 / Magnus Billgren
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Shaping the Future
She was tired.
“How are you?” I asked.
She wore all the signs of being overworked.
Her job was to support countries in building their civil society, primarily concerning health and democracy. Her computer had a sticker from a famous NGO.
She was tired.
When I told her about my job in creating Products to be proud of – she became energized.
We spent an hour talking, and I left the coffee shop proudly, and she left inspired.
We had concluded that Product People shape the world. Therefore, change can be a part of the products we design.
In this ProductBeats Episode, we invited Dora Palfi. One of the 30 persons under 30 to watch, according to Forbes. She is an award-winning Tech entrepreneur and a co-founder of imagilabs. They build products inspiring girls to code.
Dora is shaping the world.
Every thought with a defined pattern can be turned into a product that impacts the world.
Be inspired by Dora Palfi!