The Premium Content
Deep Dive and Connect
Are you looking to expand your network and gain valuable insights into the world of product? Our sessions provide the perfect opportunity to connect with peers, share product stories, and bounce ideas with like-minded professionals.
Our sessions are designed to help you build meaningful connections and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in product management.
Members get invites to our exclusive networking sessions and gain valuable insights into the world of product management. Don't miss out – join Productbeats membership today!
Premium Workshops
We run two types of workshops:
The workshops are designed to help you master the essential tools, models, and situations that will take your skills to the next level.
The workshops are designed to help you master the essential tools, models, and situations that will take your skills to the next level.
Our workshops cover a range of topics, like revenue stream creation, business modelling, requirement management, and much more.
Together with our research partner BTH (the leading European research team in Software engineering) we dig into into the latest research. We cover topics like contiuous development, managing regulatory aspects, feedback loops, security and more.
Together with our research partner BTH (the leading European research team in Software engineering) we dig into into the latest research. We cover topics like contiuous development, managing regulatory aspects, feedback loops, security and more.
Instant Solutions free for members
The Productbeats Premium provides a suite of quick and effective solutions to common product management issues. With your membership, you'll receive three free instant solutions, giving you the key to confidently tackle daily problems.
For example:
- Extreme Backlog Cleaning - A clean Product Backlog frees up time for value creation.
- Ethical Design Assessment - Making ethical design more tangible and objective.
- Effectively running your Scrum sessions - About unleashing the full potential of your Scrum process
(Normal price for 1 Instant Solution is €170)
As a member you can sign up to any of the Instant Solutions below. Don't wait – start your journey to success now.
Ask Robin -
the sidekick for members
Do you need to discuss your problem with an experienced product person? Do you have this question where Youtube, Google, or ChatGPT cannot help? Than maybe it is a quest for our "Robin", your sidekick. An experience Product Manager? We got your back!
Book a Monday afternoon session for a discussion or share your problem with us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours to help you getting unstuck.
Remember, product action, no matter what!
Book a Monday afternoon session for a discussion or share your problem with us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours to help you getting unstuck.
Remember, product action, no matter what!
Third Party Tools