Episode 83
Guest: David Pereira

Episode 83: Scrum might be over w/David Pereira

Nov 23 / Petra Färm
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Scrum might be over
Trends come and go, come back again and become revamped. Both Kanban and Design thinking are from the 50s. And Aristoteles (who lived some 300 years BC) first principle was made popular again from Elon Musk’s firm belief in it.
Who remembers when UML and Rational Rose were THE thing? And at one point even Scrum (first published in the 80s) was the coolest newest thing. I remember reading “Scrum from the trenches” trying out a few things in my SW project.
The way we organize our work keeps changing, not only to new things but sometimes back to really old thinking. It’s a circular movement. The reason for the circularity is that we as humans don’t change very much. Regardless of whether we work in projects, scrum teams, squads, or alone, we are still driven by the same emotions.
That is a strength. For us product people it means that we can take our thinking and skills beyond Scrum, we are not bound by the methodology.
To help us look beyond Scrum we invited the immensely popular product writer and speaker, David Pereira. For the second time, I might add. David, it was such an honor to have you back on the show. You can find his presentation and illustration below. And as always, stay tuned for the recording.