Episode 86
Guest: Derrick Calloway

Episode 86: Agile at Scale w/Derrick Calloway

Dec 14 / Magnus Billgren
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Whatever happened to the spotify matrix model?
A friend of mine Martin Rogberg, Ph.D., is researching organizations. How do we build organizations that deliver on the intentions? He shared two problems concerning his research;

1. The organizational science is not accumulative
We cannot build upon the existing research. Since the context is radically changing. Old truths must constantly be challenged

2. There is no silverbullet. 
There is no optimal organization model or process.

We can use these thoughts to build and evolve our way of working. Many of us are trying to scale Agile, and these perspectives are helpful. For example, Spotify established a new way of working about ten years ago, often referred to as the “Spotify Model.”
They wanted to scale the power of Agile and introduced the “Squads,” “Tribes,” and “Chapters.” Derrick Calloway shares his perspective on the Spotify Way of Working; he can conclude three facts:

• Spotify has delivered great products using the model
• The way of working has changed over the years
• The organization today is built on the “Spotify-Model.”    

Here are some of the models we talked about in this session:
• Tool #14: Pie Chart Prioritization - Grok The logic and Pie Chart and Lead your product!
• Tool #21: Speed Layers - A tool to accelerate your product offering while maintaining quality and sustainable differentiation