Episode 107
Guest: Michelle Rea & Carl Törnqvist
Episode 107: PM, UX and DEV, the perfect trio? w/Michelle Rea & Carl Törnqvist
May 25
Petra Färm
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PM, UX and DEV, the perfect trio?
Great topic today about the perfect trio. I have really spent some time now thinking about the perfect trio – is it Harry, Ron and Hermione or perhaps the 3 musketeers (but didn’t they become 4?).
One of my absolute favorites is of course the after guard of the American’s cup winner in 2013. They way they communicated was just brilliant, Spithill, Ainslie and Slingsby. I have watch the races like 100 times and know some of the dialogues by heart. Like on the final race when Ainslie is saying:
“This is it, this is it: work your asses off”.
Now they are all skippers on their own boats, and the magic is just not the same as when they were together.
When it comes to companies, there is research showing that successful start-ups have on average 2.09 founders or let’s make it 3.
The 3 founders should preferably cover these roles according to an article in Foundr: The visionary, The hustler and The hacker.
They should have low diversity in opinion and power and high diversity in expertise.
If we take that thinking to product I have funnily enough not once but twice in my product career worked in a trio consisting of PM, SW architecture and legal. Once when I was PM for linux platforms having to deal quite a lot with different open source licences, IPRs etc and once in a GDPR compliance rush.
But then of course I’ve also spent quite some time in trios consisting of PM, PO and Architecture. Both as PM and PO. But I have never worked in the constellation PM, DEV, UX. so good thing we have a couple of experts with us on this weeks Productbeats Show:
Michelle and Carl from Hemnet! It was amazing you have you both on the show. Be sure to watch the recording and presentation linked at the top of this post.
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