Episode 90
Guest: Bianca Grizhar

Episode 90: Achieving Product Led organizations w/Bianca Grizhar

Jan 25 / Magnus Billgren
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Product ops to accelerate product-led growth
How to achieve a Product Led Organization

I have a strong belief in purpose, rationale, and action.

We, as human beings, are looking for a purpose. It helps us think, plan, and it brings energy to our actions

The rationale helps us decide what to do and prioritize.

But, it is always in the action where the ideas come to life.

That is why Product Operations are essential in achieving Product Led organization.

We often hear companies talk about becoming Product Led.

They desire a change in how they operate. “Actions can drive that change!” states Bianca Grizshar, and I agree. Bianca is evolving the Product Operations to make her company become Product Led.

She shares her thought about avoiding the Product Manager Trap in her presentation: ”Too many are trying to become the Product Superhero!” But Product Led thinking is not about the person, it is about the team coming together around the Product. She also shared her thoughts on the content for structuring your Product Operations.
