Extreme Backlog Cleaning
w/ David Pereira
Adding by Subtracting
Take control, guide the Product to success
Spend no more than 4hr/week working with your Backlog
This Instant Solution with David Pereira on how to clean your Backlog contains five sessions:
- Session 1: The context of Backlog cleaning and the reasons why it should be done
- Session 2: The activities you can do to clean your Backlog
- Session 3: Creating a Lean Product Backlog Management process
- Session 4: Maintaining and making your Product Backlog shiny
- Session 5: What other Product Experts think about Product Backlog cleaning
Sessions 2-4 are structured as follows:
- Understanding what it is
- Common traps to avoid in the process
- Strategies or ways of getting it done effectively
- Some hacks for optimizing the process
- Reflections and exercises for reinforcing the learning
- References for you to use for further study or application
David Pereira